Libraries, Marketing, Training

New On-Demand Webinar: Getting (and Keeping!) New Library Customers

Libraries are often working to get more customers to use their programs and services. After all, more people using the library can lead to more positive benefits for the communities, campuses or organizations that you serve. And yet, most of the marketing that we do - flyers, website promotions, email marketing and social media posts… Continue reading New On-Demand Webinar: Getting (and Keeping!) New Library Customers

CAC Updates, Conferences, Professional Speaking, Training

Countdown to the Library Marketing and Communications Conference

One week from today, many of us will be at the Library Marketing and Communications Conference (LMCC) in Indianapolis. Whenever I think about LMCC, I always feel a sense of honor and gratitude. Here's why. Back in 2018, when nobody knew I was planning to leave my job and start a consulting business, then-president Jennifer Burke reached… Continue reading Countdown to the Library Marketing and Communications Conference

Libraries, Marketing, Training

New On-Demand Webinar: Strengthen Your Library’s Brand (With Subtitles)

What is a library's brand? Is it a logo? Is it the services you offer? Actually, a brand is the sum of how your library is perceived by everyone who experiences it - and that incudes staff, customers, funders and community members. This new on-demand webinar will help you develop a greater understanding of branding… Continue reading New On-Demand Webinar: Strengthen Your Library’s Brand (With Subtitles)